Sunday, May 22, 2011

But my jeweler told me that…

A few days ago, a lady came to our store to see if she can sell her Diamond ring, with a quick look at the Diamond a saw a noticeable dark carbon, the Diamond had a nice size and a good color, but the dark carbon was too noticeable to ignore.
When I gave her a price, she was a little surprise, she told me that she paid about 4 times that amount, and that the jeweler told her that the carbon made the Diamond special (I guess he mentioned that it’s a proof that the diamond is real or something like that)
 Let me tell you a little secret, dark carbons or for that matter any blemishes don’t make a Diamond any special.
It is true that the Diamond inclusions proof that the Diamond is real, however they only decrease the value. If your head hurts it’s a proof that you have one, but it doesn’t make you any special.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Main reasons to invest in diamonds !!!

If you have thought about the following statements recently, it is time
you should think about investing in diamonds.

     - Money loses its value every day.
     - My shares purchased in the stock market may disappear any day
     - Banks are no longer safe to save my money.
     - In any lawsuit that may happen in the future any institution can "put her hand"
       on my money. 
     - Dollar every day is loosing his  purchasing power.
     - Inflation "bites" my capital every day.

Investing in diamonds protects you from all these points mentioned above.

 Diamonds are simply ''real estate in your pocket”.

They are the best form of portable wealth in the world today, and have an impressive historical.

The Following Article was extracted from

Friday, May 13, 2011

Financial destiny

¨By developing your discipline and your courage, you can refuse to let other people´s mood swings govern your financial destiny. In the end, how your investment behave is much less important than how you behave¨
Benjamin Graham

Every investment is about making money, investment by definition is ¨putting money into something with the expectation of profit¨, sometimes the investment works sometimes is doesn’t.
However this is a misconception, when your investment is only ¨expected¨ to make profit it’s a gamble, not much intelligence is needed for that.
When your money is ¨supposed¨ to gain profit based on someone else mood it’s no longer an investment, it’s at best a speculation.
 Just like no one considers buying a lottery tickets an investment, so too an ¨investment¨ with a speculation factor it´s not an investment.
Investing in Diamonds is not just a good investment, it´s an act of discipline and financial behavior.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Case for Diamond Investors

There is no question that Diamond investment is now one of the smartest investments possible.

I want to tell you a short story that happened to me a few weeks ago; one of my clients, after a short presentation and some thinking time, decided to buy an investment Diamond, this client was very special to me because he is the owner of a known bank in the area and has many investing groups.    

The next morning he deposited the money in my account and told me that he is going on a business trip and that in 3 weeks he´ll be back to pick up his Diamond.

After 3 and half weeks he sent me an E-mail apologizing for not making it back on time and that as soon as he can he´ll let me know when he is coming back, on the mean time he wrote ¨hold on to the Diamond¨.

The weeks went on, finally after 4 weeks I get an Email from him that in 2 days he is coming to pick it up.

Before I continue the story I should probably let you know that the Diamond I got him as an investment was 1 of 3 of its kind available in the market, the funny thing was that the day he came it there was NON in the market, in other words, he become the owner of an Investment Diamond that has no offer and lots of demand.

Which brings me to the point I wanted to make, Investing in Diamonds is not just about the ¨4 c´s¨ (Color, Cut, Clarity and Carat), it´s about knowing the market and its people, there are a lot of great quality Diamond out there, but there are a lot of them, not many Diamonds can be considered ¨Investment Diamonds¨.

The end of the story was that when the client came to pick it up I offered to buy it back from him at 2% more then what I sold it to him, to which he answer with a smile ¨I don’t know a lot about Diamond and much less about investment Diamonds, but I do know something about good investment, next time I buy an Investment Diamond from you, hold it for as long as you want¨, and then he took his Diamond and left with a big smile on his face.

Today he called me back….